Thursday, September 4, 2008

Aaaarrrggh! Pisses Me Off!

Listening to NPR this morning I hear a Republican apologist railing against "mainstream media" and the "Left-leaning blogs", about how they're giving McCain and Palin a raw deal.
I just had to jump in.
If reporting the facts and speaking the truth is giving them a hard time, so be it!
Personally, I'm finding it harder and harder to find pundits among the talking heads who aren't rabid right-wing neocon apologists. What with the Bill O'Reillys, Glenn Becks, Lou Dobbs, Ann Coulters, etc. it's getting harder and harder to find news without a neocon slant.
I have to go to the BBC, Xinhua, or Al Jazeera to get the truth.
Anyway, I found that the current presidential race has engendered more political rants in me than I care to post on my regular site.
So I quickly set up this blog to provide me with a forum.

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