Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Is BP Financing Terrorism

Will someone please remind BP that for every barrel of oil they allow to continue leaking into the Gulf it may be putting yet more money into the pockets of the terrorists? Who are using it to buy yet more weapons of mass destruction. Who are using these to kill our brave sons and fathers in the Middle East.

I mean, I’m just asking. After all, we all know, as we’ve so often been reminded, that we should not be buying oil from the Middle Eastern nations, because they allegedly freely disperse these funds to militant Islamic radicals who kill us, the good guys. Rather, we should be buying our oil from domestic producers, who have only our best
interests at heart.

Yet what choice has BP given us, now that it’s chosen to cast our oil upon the waters, rather than into our SUV’s? We have to make up the loss somehow.

So I guess the Middle Eastern baddies will continue to pocket our petro-dollars, at least until BP can clean up the mess it’s made.

When will someone stop being so CC (Corporately Correct) and call the BP disaster what it really is? A clear case of capitalist corporate terrorism!

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