Wednesday, November 5, 2008

An Historic Event

Yesterday the American people chose to elect a man of intelligence, insight, vitality, and understanding to be the 44th president of the United States.

They elected Barack Hussein Obama.

The fact that he managed to win the election despite the fact that he bears an unusual name, and despite the fact that his rival was a highly respected war hero, made this a significant event.

The fact that he is the first African-American to ever hold the highest elected office in this nation made this an historic event.

Now, I participated in this event by voting for Barack Obama.

Certainly not because he is a Black man, and because I thought it’d be a nifty thing to do.


I voted for Barack Obama because he addressed the American people in nuanced, thoughtful terms. He presumed that the voters are informed adults, who think of the issues facing this nation in a serious, perceptive, reasoned manner. This it is that convinced me that I want Obama as the Chief Executive.

From his rival I heard only simplistic platitudes, interspersed with a large amount of unreasonable panic and fear mongering. Obama’s rival spoke to the American people as though they are an ignorant, unreasoning mass, who are either incapable of understanding the issues, or who choose to give little thought to them.

I believe that Obama will seek out the advice and counsel of learned people; that he will act in a decisive manner after giving serious thought to the consequences of his decisions. And that the other countries of the globe will once again regard this nation as a land of truth and justice.

Race had nothing to do with the way I cast my vote. Barack Obama was simply the better candidate in terms of his intelligence, judgment, principles, and moral stance.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008


Vote your conscience.

Vote for Barack Obama.